With highlights that include a Mars square to Uranus, a cardinal sign full moon, Mercury making audacious moves and Venus entering the shadow period of her coming retrograde, this week, in addition to being lively, will give us a glimpse of the shapes of things to come. Its most boisterous spot comes on Tuesday. That’s when Mars squares Uranus, beneath a full Libra moon, and when Mercury forms constructive connections with Jupiter and Pluto. Astrology’s contentious squares typically bring matters to a head. In this case, aggressive Mars is in futuristic Aquarius, the ruler of Uranus, and Uranus is stuck in stubborn Taurus, stockpiling the resources. Aquarius and Uranus are disruptors, and both adore throwing curve balls. So this quirky Mars and Uranus face off will be interesting and insightful. It’s a precursor to next February’s more impactful Saturn square to Uranus. On the lunar side of this equation, a full Libra moon beams harmonious rays, advocating for fairness and reciprocity. While the moon is in the cardinal air sign, from Monday to Wednesday, Mars and Saturn in Aquarius and Venus in Gemini will give it a lift, while Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn provide the resistance. Add Mercury’s well-intentioned intervention from unstable Pisces, when it sextiles Jupiter and Pluto, and this could be one wild, bewildering full moon. It may take until Friday to see where its dust settles.
After an over-extended stay in foggy Pisces, on Friday Mercury arrives in Aries. Fresh ideas, clear thinking and decisive action are on offer during this transit that lasts through April 27th. On Saturday, that reinvigorated Mercury will sextile Saturn, in inventive Aquarius. This combo can deliver brilliant insights at lightening speed, with a truckload of ants in the pants to get and keep us moving. While the Aries Sun is blazing brightly and Mercury speeds across the sky, Venus will slip into the shadow of her coming retrograde on April 9th. If not the pinnacle of the long-forecast Q2 slowdown, the Venus retrograde is certainly at its center. The retrograde officially begins on May 13th, the same day when Mars runs out of Aquarian steam and heads into twilight zone, Pisces. The week of May 11th will see Saturn, Jupiter and Venus turn retrograde. By the time Venus goes direct on June 25th, Mercury and Neptune will have also gone retrograde. Though the Sun will be in determined, productive Taurus at the start of the Venus retrograde, progress is unlikely during such a large and wide-ranging planetary pile up. In fact, things are much more likely to go into reverse gear. With that in mind, nimble Mercury’s entrance into spunky, spirited Aries this week gives us the chance to step on the gas, and to take care of what’s most important, while we can.
Venus Retrograde 2020
Apr 9th Venus enters Rx zone 5 Gem 20
May 13th Venus Rx 21 Gem 50
Jun 25th Venus direct 5 Gem 20
Jul 29th Venus leaves Rx zone 21 Gem 50
10 Minute Reading$44.40
15 Minute Reading$66.60
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Sound Bath$88.80
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00