Symbolized by the bull, the fixed earth sign of Taurus is associated with strength, endurance and stability. On the 19th, the Sun stepped into the steady, sturdy terrain of astrology’s most dependable sign. On Wednesday, a new Taurus moon is on tap, giving us an opportunity to attune to Taurus traits. But like much of 2020, things are not as simple or straightforward as we’d like for them to be. That’s because this week also features squares between the Taurus Sun and Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday and Mercury in Aries and Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn on Saturday, the year’s only Sun conjunction to unruly Uranus on Sunday and Pluto turning retrograde on Friday. Collectively, those aspects give a turbulent start to our yearly journey through placid Taurus.
Back on April 7th Mars squared Uranus from Aquarius. This Tuesday, Saturn takes on Uranus from the same progressive sign. If a matter wasn’t fully addressed in early April, this is a chance to settle it firmly. The other squares between Mercury in Aries and Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn are likely to be noisy but less consequential. The past week’s Aries Sun squares to Pluto and Jupiter were the real pot stirrers. Mercury’s confrontations may provoke a lot of shouting, but the close alignment and agreement of purpose between expansive Jupiter and uncompromising Pluto favor their arguments, decisions and actions. Also worth noting, these clashes arise the day after Pluto begins is annual five-month retrograde. During that time, the relentless planet will delve into the darkness of the underworld and begin exposing corruption, shadowy players and matters begging for reform. Pluto’s is the first of the oncoming retrogrades. By the time we reach the end of the Sun’s Taurus transit, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter will also be retrograde.
Venus Retrograde 2020
Apr 9th Venus entered Rx zone 5 Gem 20
May 13th Venus Rx begins 21 Gem 50
Jun 25th Venus direct/Rx ends 5 Gem 20
Jul 29th Venus leaves Rx zone 21 Gem 50
Taurus is all about taking its sweet time, and this massive planetary pileup is likely to add new, undreamt of dimensions to the term slowdown. Taurus is also the guardian of resources, raw materials and durable goods. Extended shelter in place orders, along with limited and gradual re-openings of selective business sectors, will prolong economic challenges. As I also recently noted, the coming Venus retrograde will be in the sign of Gemini, the sign of lungs, respiration and the nervous system. Venus’s retrograde in Gemini underscores concerns about new COVID outbreaks. Venus is also the ruler of productive, practical Taurus and one of astrology’s money planets. The simultaneous retrogrades of Jupiter, the other money planet, Venus, Saturn and Pluto, while the Sun is in Taurus, suggest that the road back to normalcy will be paved with molasses. But astrology’s Bull instills patience, wisdom and stamina. Taurus also invites us to connect with life’s simple pleasures, like relaxing in sunshine or walking in the park. That Taurus Sun connects with electrifying, unorthodox Uranus on Sunday, the 26th, a few hours ahead of a Venus moon meeting in Gemini. This disruptive combo gives us the ability to employ our ingenuity and apply our originality to present tasks.
For an overview of spring 2020, join host Kristina Walsh and me on “Surfing The Psychic Waves” on In Flow Radio. We do a deep dive into current and unfolding aspects.
10 Minute Reading$44.40
15 Minute Reading$66.60
30 Minute Reading$111.00
20 Minute Reading$88.80
60 Minute Reading$222.00
30 Minute Sound Bath$88.80
150 Minutes & Multiple Readings$555.00