Planetary pressure for needed change will mount throughout the week, but Sunday’s new Leo Moon portends resolution and renewed vitality, on a galactic level. It all begins under the tension of a fixed-sign Sun Saturn opposition, followed by a waning Taurus Moon square to Jupiter early on Monday. The Moon’s extended stay in Cancer, from Wednesday through early Saturday morning, will offer some time for retreat and reflection. But dwelling in Cancer’s emotional shell or playing the victim will no longer work. A new Moon will dawn on Sunday, at 16 Leo 14, reigniting a sense of self-worth and encouraging self-agency. Additionally,
Forecast July 26-Aug 1, 2021: Travel Advisory
When readying ourselves for the coming week’s journey, packing generous amounts of humor, patience and perhaps even some old school technologies is advised. Though the week will take off under the disarming guidance of a gentle Pisces Moon, we’ll begin experiencing turbulence as soon as Mercury moves into lusty Leo on Tuesday.
Forecast Jul 19-25, 2021: All The World’s A Stage
If, like Hollywood celebrities, the planets had talent agents, then the Sun, Venus and full Moon would be ringing theirs up this week, to ask why Mercury is getting all of the good parts. Venus, even when airing her complaints, would of course exude copious amounts of grace. After all, her upcoming move into studious Virgo on Wednesday is akin to landing the ultimate supporting actress role. Friday night’s baby full Moon, coming in under 2 degrees of Aquarius, would probably understand why it’s not yet ready for a lead role, let alone its closeup. But that dashing Leo Sun, flying in on Thursday, might go full-on Norma Desmond, at the mere thought of being upstaged by silver-tongued Mercury.
Forecast Jul 12-18, 2021: Easy Does It
A Leo Moon fires up the week on Monday with conjunctions to Venus and Mars, who themselves link up on Tuesday. For sunny, determined Leo, these get-togethers bolster confidence and resolve. Of course, this position also places the Moon, Venus and Mars opposite Saturn and square to Uranus. That said, Mars and Venus moved through the crunch points of those challenges during the past two weeks. So lions are likely feeling much more playful than ferocious, as long as no one pulls any tails. Monday sets the stage for more conviviality when an early Cancer degree Mercury trines altruistic Jupiter in Pisces.
Forecast Jul 5-11, 2021: On The Edge
This week’s edgy tone is set from the start. But some refreshment will arrive on Friday night, courtesy of the new Cancer Moon, and more will come on Sunday when Mercury moves into Cancer. Until then, we’re in for a contentious ride.