Mutable, service-oriented Virgo is not the sign we typically associate with power. Initiating Cardinal signs like assertive Aries and ambitious Capricorn, or determined Fixed signs like firm Taurus and Pluto-ruled Scorpio, usually come to mind long before the mild-mannered earth sign. In part this is due to cultural conditioning that has mislead us […]
Sun Into Leo 2014: Roar And Shine
On July 22nd at 4:41 P.M. MST the Sun enters courageous, confident Leo. Annually this signals a celebratory cycle when rays of enthusiasm, joy and vitality flow freely from the very source of our solar system and life, the Sun. What makes 2014’s solar homecoming extra vibrant is that abundant Jupiter, our solar […]
Sun Into Cancer 2014: Turning The Tide
For free audio companion reports to this article, please check out Kristy’s Connection To The Soul and Surfing The Psychic Waves. If the past seven months to a year have served up more than your share of intensity, delays or dilemmas, take heart; we are set for a celestial turning point. The cycle […]
Sun Into Gemini 2014: Setting The Stage
For more astrology news, you can check out my interviews on “Kristy’s Connection To The Soul” and “Surfing The Psychic Waves” with Kristi Walsh. We’re finally entering the last phase of 2014’s exceptionally long retrograde series. This cycle, it’s mischievous Mercury meandering backwards. But, instead of shaking your fists in consternation or throwing […]
Sun Into Taurus 2014: On Solid Ground
For an audio report on this cycle, please listen to an interview on “Kristy’s Connection To The Soul“. Some of 2014’s biggest fireworks are officially underway, But as we enter the heart of the Grand Cardinal Cross, the Cosmos is also serving up some of the year’s most stable and abiding energy. Counteracting the chaos […]