While stern Saturn and nebulous Neptune may seem like one of astrology’s oddest couples, there’s an exquisite, transformational power in their pairing. In 2019 they will form three exact sextiles, from January through November, and their meetings will color the entire year. If you’ve ever worked with rosary beads or a mala, then you innately understand this combination. Saturn gives us the physical structure (beads) and Neptune the connection to spirit (prayer).
An Eclipse To Remember
You may already be feeling the energies of this one, or you may be witnessing its considerable influence on people close to you. While technically this is strictly a battle between the Leo full moon and the Aquarius Sun, the other fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio are likely to also find themselves in the fray. This Super moon marks the culmination of an eclipse series that begun on February 10, 2017 and included the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, known as the Great American eclipse. People born under the opposite signs of Leo and Aquarius have borne the brunt of its force for the past two years, and their fellow fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio, have been challenged by the 90 degree squares these eclipses have formed to them. A las, the Grand Finale is at hand.
Poop, Meet Fan: First Jupiter Neptune Square Of Three
On January 13th Jupiter and Neptune are set to square one another. This is their first square in a series of three this year. In astrology, squares are considered to be the most contentious alignments. Forming a 90 degree angle, the planets of a square are on separate axes. These collisions tend to force issues to the surface. Although Sunday’s match will involve the normally flexible mutable signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, this clash is likely to unearth matters that we’ll be dealing with for most of 2019.
Radio Interview About The Astrology Of 2019: Elizabeth joins Kristina Walsh
On January 2nd, I joined Kristina Walsh on her show Surfing The Psychic Waves on InFlowRadio to talk about the big trends in astrology for 2019. You can listen anytime and find out what’s ahead.
Astrology 2019: From Lead To Gold
Mars and Uranus will be enlivening our spirits and stoking those irrepressible, instigating Aries fires for the first six weeks of 2019. From fellow fire sign Sagittarius, Venus and Jupiter will be encouraging and expanding thosee flames until early February. But it’s the group in serious Capricorn that we need to pay particular attention to.