Some of the year’s biggest happenings in astrology will take place during March. The first major move is that of Saturn into Pisces on the 7th. Saturn’s ingress into the mutable water sign will take place under a full Moon in Virgo, the mutable earth sign. Not one to ever be left out of the […]
Forecast Feb 20 – Mar 5, 2023: We Have Ignition
In the larger scheme of things, we on the precipice of two major sign changes, Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius. Saturn has been in fixed Aquarius since December of infamous 2020 and Pluto in Capricorn since November of equally infamous 2008. Some people may be feeling exhausted from the long transit of the boundary setting planet through an inflexible fixed sign. Others may be filled with a sense of excitement, in anticipation of the coming changes. In the immediate offing, there’s a important new Pisces Moon on the 20th, and Venus and Mercury are also changing signs.
Forecast Jan 23-Feb 5, 2023: Ice Breakers
February 1st marks the midway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. In some climates, the very first seeds of the new year will be planted. Across the northern hemisphere, the return of sunlight is appreciable. The festivals of Imbolc and St. Brigid, held at this time, have long included the element of fire, to signify the return of warmth and light. In 2023, the full Moon, in the fire sign of Leo, will take place on February 5th. As it waxes, we’ll encounter several encouraging alignments and Venus will enter Pisces.
Forecast Jan 9-22, 2023: A Fresh Perspective
During the next two weeks the retrogrades of Mars, Mercury and Uranus will conclude. Along the way Venus will collaborate with Mars and Saturn, and the Sun will move from Capricorn to Aquarius, where the new Moon will take place on the 21st. Uranus went retrograde on August 24, 2022, Mars on October 30th and Mercury on December 29th. During their retrogrades, the three have given everyone time to mull over short and long range plans,
Forecast Dec 19, 2022 – Jan 8, 2023: The Aftermath
Over the next two weeks the Sun and Jupiter will move into instigating cardinal signs and Mercury will begin its next retrograde. During the course of 2023, the eclipse cycle and lunar nodes will shift from fixed signs to cardinal. The new year will also see significant sign changes for Saturn and Pluto. No doubt, after two plus years of planets, nodes and eclipses being stuck in those persistent fixed signs, the collective gridlock will begin giving way.