An astrologer might add, “It was the benefics ruling the sky, it was the malefics ruling the sky.” This week the contradictory forces of the beginning of Mars’ retrograde and the end of Jupiter’s come into focus. If things were simple, Mars The Malefic would be type-casted as the bringer of supernatural destruction, and Jupiter, The Greater Benefic, as the bestower of good fortune. But life, the heavens and the times we find ourselves in are much more complicated right now, and we are going to have to find our way through their paradoxes.
Mercury retrograde
Forecast Aug 31-Sep 6, 2020: Stepping Into The Twilight Zone
Emmy-Award-winning writer and host Rod Serling’s description of TV’s “The Twilight Zone” series aptly applies to 2020. This week’s astrological highlights include a full Moon in Pisces, a tough Venus square to Mars and sign changes for Mercury and Venus. At first glance, those sign changes seem like promising infusions of welcomed, new energies. After all, Mercury and Venus are moving into the yang, or positive polarity, signs of Leo and Libra. However, due to its forthcoming retrograde, Mercury is entering territory that it will traverse and revisit from now until November 10th, territory that will ultimately entangle Venus. In addition to their associated delays, miscommunications and technical malfunctions, Mercury retrogrades typically frustrate our intentions to fully resolve matters. Throw in heaps of Libra’s infamous indecision, and you can start to see how issues that are coming to the fore now may well be heading into a kind of cosmic twilight zone. Forming an overarching autumn vision now, or at least a solid game plan, isn’t a bad idea.
Forecast Jul 6-12, 2020: Rejuvenation Station
This week the planets are offering some gentle relief, powerful psychic insight and a second wind, courtesy of the healing, relaxing water signs. By Sunday the Mercury retrograde will be over and a spirit-alchemizing Sun trine to Neptune will be exact.
Forecast Jun 29-Jul 5, 2020: Getting It Done
When a week begins with giant Jupiter making an exact conjunction with powerful Pluto and it ends with a full Capricorn moon and lunar eclipse, big things are on the table. Throw Saturn retrograding back into enterprising Capricorn, Mars firing up the engines in Aries and the Sun and Mercury making connections with wildcard Uranus from cardinal Cancer, and you don’t have to wait for the Fourth of July for some fireworks.
Forecast Jun 22-28, 2020: Reflecting Pool
Beginning on Saturday June 27th, rambunctious Mars will reclaim and dominate his home turf of fiery, feisty Aries. Once there, the combustable ferocity of the red planet will be interlocked with the raw, direct energy of the cardinal fire sign, for the next six months. Before the fireworks ignite, Mars will transit the potent, late […]