From the most robust territory of the cardinal fire sign, the Aries Sun will square Pluto on Tuesday and Jupiter on Wednesday. Those two are of course presently entrenched in Capricorn, the sign of governments, banking and economic systems. It’s hard to say what will shake out from these confrontations, but it’s fair to say that a whole lot of shaking will be going on
Elizabeth Pendleton
Surfing Q2 2020
The Q2 economy, concerns about the coming Venus retrograde in Gemini, the sign ruling the lungs, respiration and the nervous system, and an overall catch up about Spring 2020 are topics Kristina Walsh and I covered on the latest edition of “Surfing The Psychic Waves“. Join us anytime and find out what astrology has to […]
Forecast Mar 30-Apr 5, 2020: Making Progress
If variety is the spice of life, then we’re in for a saucy week. Personal planets Mars and Venus will make their way into progressive Aquarius and social Gemini, Mercury and Neptune will meet up in Pisces, and Jupiter will join forces with Pluto in ambitious Capricorn, adding further reverberations to January’s Saturn Pluto conjunction. On the one hand, the year’s established Capricorn and Pisces patterns are resurfacing. On the other, we are assuredly breaking new ground.
Forecast Mar 23-29, 2020: The Reset
On Thursday the Moon moves into sturdy Taurus. Taurus is astrology’s fixed earth sign. Resources, finances and raw materials are within its abundant domain. The Taurus Moon will make constructive connections with the planets in endeavoring Capricorn. It will also receive boosts from Uranus and Venus, also presently in Taurus. While the Moon transits this sign, money planets Venus and Jupiter will form a very lucky trine late Friday night.
Forecast March 16-22, 2020: Turning Of The Tide
while the week begins and ends with the familiar Pisces Capricorn mixture, noteworthy shifts by the Sun and Saturn prompt a push into new territory and towards scientific and technological solutions.