Sensitive, artistic and spiritual, Pisces is ruled by mystic Neptune and connects us with life’s enchanted side. Under its mutable, watery influence we gravitate toward the intangible and intrinsic. While its presence normally signals a time to slow down, take stock and prepare for the new astrological year, 2014 has several notable exceptions. First, for most of the cycle Mercury will be stimulating loads of mental activity from electric Aquarius. Even though the winged-one comes out of retrograde on February 28th, it doesn’t mellow out until March 17th when it goes into Pisces. Also on the retrograde front, Mars and Saturn begin heading backwards on March 1st and 2nd respectively. Mars will be in reverse gear through Libra until May 19th and Saturn will be revisiting Scorpion territory until July 20th. Other important planetary changes during this cycle include the lunar nodes moving to the Aries Libra axis on February 19th for an 18-month visit and Venus finally leaving Capricorn, after a four-month stay, on March 5th when it enters Aquarius. But the cycle’s most dramatic aspect is scheduled for February 25th when expansive Jupiter in Cancer squares erratic Uranus in headstrong Aries under a Capricorn moon. Part of April’s building exact cardinal cross. this is a titanic battle that will be waged on Neptunian seas. For navigational guidance, tune in. After all, source energy is flowing from integral, intuitive Pisces.
Full Moon March 16, 2014
The Sun, and much later Mercury, join Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, and these planets will make several water trines to Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Cancer. Significantly, many of these connections will occur while the moon also moves through the water signs. Emotional and insightful tides will run high on February 20th when the moon links up with Saturn and trines Neptune and Jupiter, the 23rd when the Sun conjoins Neptune, the 28th when the moon conjoins Neptune and the Sun and moon trine Jupiter, March 13th when the Sun trines Saturn and March 19th when the moon trines Mercury. Whether it’s smooth sailing or rolling in the deep will depend on our perspective, perceptions and intentions. And that’s where and when gifts of holistic Pisces come in handy. At its best, Pisces turns down the volume on distraction and static so that we can tune into a deeper awareness. Under its meditative and medicinal influence, we can get clear on what is truly of value and receive the guidance we seek. So, though this will not be a quiet Pisces cycle, it is one with ample space for reflection, resolution and release. Swim nicely!