As Venus settles into her retrograde, Mercury will slip into his Virgo home and cross the shadow point of his forthcoming retrograde. Interestingly enough, both Venus and Mercury will leave their retrograde shadow zones within a week of one another.
Forecast Jul 10-23, 2023: All The World’s A Stage
Like the year’s most anticipated feature film, 2023’s summer blockbuster is about to hit the celestial screen. It is of course Venus’s retrograde. Making this retrograde all the more intriguing is the fact that Venus is transiting dramatic Leo, a setup that includes several exciting encounters with Jupiter and Uranus. Previewing those, Venus first squared […]
Forecast Jun 19 – Jul 9, 2023: Embracing Disruption
Over the next couple of weeks Mars and Venus will form exact squares to game-changing Uranus. Disruptive, unruly Uranus is typically an unwelcome guest. And when the planet of sudden, irrevocable change partners with an inner planet to create personal upheaval, its presence is all the more unwanted. However, when carefully examining the changes being prompted by the unorthodox planet, we may conclude that they are precisely what is needed, and maybe long overdue.
Forecast Jun 5-18, 2023: Persistent Prescience
Hyperactive to the point of being spastic, Mercury-ruled Gemini cannot sit still. Accordingly, as the Gemini Sun reaches the zenith of its 2023 cycle, Mercury, Venus and Pluto will change signs, Saturn will go retrograde and there’s a turbo-charged new Gemini Moon on the 17th. Inquisitive Gemini also loves variety. Fittingly, amidst all of the sign changes, there are also strong incoming alignments to support grounding and serenity.
Forecast May 22-Jun 4, 2023: Cosmic Currents
When traveling through tidal Cancer, Mars managed to stir a number of pots. Together with that intense Scorpio full Moon and eclipse of May 5th, they unearthed a number of unattended emotional issues. On May 20th Mars left the feminine, Moon-ruled sign for masculine, august Leo. In the wake of that eclipse, Venus entered caregiving Cancer on May 7th and quietly began cleaning up the emotional messes left by Mars and its ancient ruler Scorpio. On June 5th, Venus too will leave the nurturing realms of Cancer, when she embarks on an unusually lengthy four-month journey through Leo. While still in soothing Cancer, she will become part of a Grand water trine that will involve Neptune in Pisces and a markedly different Scorpio Moon.