As the Sun enters mutable, integrating Pisces on February 18th, 2013, Saturn will be stationing to turn retrograde in emotional and intense Scorpio. A few days later, on the 23rd, Mercury will follow suit and turn retrograde in Pisces. But the planet influencing the cycle ahead most will be Pisces’ ruler Neptune. The oceanic planet […]
Kristy’s Connection To The Soul
While I’m updating the blog… Last week I had the pleasure of catching up with my friend Angel Therapist Kristy M. Ayala on her blogtalk radio show. You can listen here. Listen to internet radio with KristyAyala on Blog Talk Radio
Sun Into Aquarius 2013: Calling All Visionaries
Mental Mercury and the Sun move into ingenious Aquarius on January 19th. There they’ll be set to rub elbows with trend-setting, rule-bending Uranus and expansive Jupiter. Crackling with evanescence, 2013’s Aquarius cycle will host a full Leo moon and see Jupiter turn direct. Though Mars and Mercury will head into mellow Pisces in early February, […]
Sun Into Capricorn 2012-13: The Valley of the Shadow
The Sun and Santa Claus may be coming to town, but you better watch out, as the old song says, for Pluto. This year’s solar trip through sober, provocative Capricorn will see the planet ruling power, death and the subconscious make direct connections with most of astrology’s personal planets. Closely allied with staunch Saturn in […]
Surfing the Psychic Waves, Art And Water Sign Trines
If your emotions and creative impulses have been surfacing a little more than usual since early October, there’s a good reason. Back on October 5th Saturn moved into the fixed water sign of Scorpio. There it formed what astrologers call a trine to Neptune, the planet of artists currently in the mutable water sign of […]