Hello, Thank you for visiting. To find out about the 2013 Leo cycle and astrology in general, please enjoy the Sun Into Leo 2013 edition of Elizabeth’s Oracle. Warm wishes, Elizabeth
Sun Into Cancer 2013: The New Wave
Hello, Thank you for visiting. To read the Sun into Cancer 2013 edition of Elizabeth’s Oracle, please click here and to listen to audio reports about this cycle, check out Kristy’s Connection To The Soul and Surfing The Psychic Waves. Cheers, Elizabeth
Surfing the Psychic Waves Into the Water Trine
Hello, My friend Kristina Walsh recently invited me onto her fabulous show “Surfing the Psychic Waves” to talk about the upcoming water trine. Lots is in the forecast and you can catch her show on Soundcloud here. Thanks to her and everyone at Soundcloud for making it all work!
If I didn’t write, I would have cracked long ago
Thank you to everyone who has been there for me during the past year, and especially those of you who continue to support my work. I know that my detour into music school is unusual. But if I didn’t write and have the solace of music, I would have cracked a long time ago. […]
Sun Into Gemini 2013: Messages From the Matrix
The Sun’s entrance into curious, affable Gemini, at 2:09 P.M. PST on May 20th, falls into the larger context of the third evolutionary Pluto Uranus square. While social Gemini’s spirit of inquiry and celebrated acumen will be in robust supply, mainly thanks to Mars, the 2013 cycle will come with a distinct undertow. That’s due […]