All of the watery emotion of Cancer will come to the fore as we close out this year’s solar run through astrology’s cardinal water sign. On Tuesday this month’s second eclipse will bring powerful emotions to the surface under the full Capricorn moon. and later that day Venus, which tugs at our hearts and symbolises what we desire, will form the day’s second exact opposition, to Saturn also in Cap.
Forecast Jul 8-14, 2019: High Tides
While this week has enough favorable activity to balance things out, it is definitely not slated for smooth sailing.
Forecast Jul 1-7, 2019: Breaking The Waves
According astrology, this is one of 2019’s biggest weeks. The action includes a total solar eclipse, our next Saturn opposition to the North Node and the start of Mercury’s next retrograde.
Forecast Jun 24-30, 2019: Straight From The Heart
The phrase “as one door closes another one opens” is apt for a week that will offer up a cosmic quest that we’ll be wrestling with until late August.
Clearing The Last Mutable Hurdle
Though more subtle than cardinal and fixed squares, mutable squares nonetheless leave their indelible mark. They are here to clear out what we no longer need and to prepare us for our next big steps.